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more plumeria

By on Jun 22, 2010 in iPhone photo of the day | 0 comments

We have been having our share of rain this summer. But it is nice to see the flowers in bloom.

rainbow in a green sky

By on Jun 20, 2010 in iPhone photo of the day | 0 comments

Captured a double rainbow today. Then pushed the colors just a little bit to make the second rainbow show through. 😉 Edited with Pro HDR app for the iPhone.

jam session

By on Jun 19, 2010 in iPhone photo of the day | 0 comments

Fun at the Sewell residence. Pickin’ and strummin’ and singing. Good food, good friends and great music!

number 2

By on Jun 18, 2010 in iPhone photo of the day | 0 comments

My number 2 Pen(cil). Actually it is a roller ball pen, and a fun one!

still alive

By on Jun 16, 2010 in iPhone photo of the day | 1 comment

I thought I had killed this orchid off long ago. Imagine my surprise to find it growing wild in the yard. The only way I manage to not kill things off is through benign neglect. Otherwise my thumb is very brown…